Sunday, 8 September 2019

Hello world – I’m Gerd, the gerdiest gerd girl there is. I have a great life with my Momma, Dadda, and Brudder. Most days, I hang out with my Momma. My Momma writes kidz bookz and she and I were talkin’ one day. Momma: Gerds, we should do something with books together. What do you […]

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Gerd with Momma

Momma and Dadda rescued me in 2017. Ever since, I've been livin' #thegerdlife. What's de best about #thegerdlife? Belly rubs, bein' funny, layin' in de sun, sniffin' strangers, and eatin' all foods (even though I'm allergic to all de foods.) Find Momma and me givin' love on great books on de 'Gram - IG: @lovelesswriting #thegerdword

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